
  • At the Iowa Technology Education Connection 2010 conference I presented on blogging in the classroom with Molly Anderson and the guidance of Russ Goerend. Our session was entitled Breaking Down the Walls of Our Classroom.
  • I was presented the chance to host a session at the Waukee Middle School 5th grade parent night in May of 2012. The presentation was done on Prezi and highlighted the daily schedule and opportunities of a 6th grade student. The presentation can be found here.
  • I hosted a video camera contest to donate two older video cameras to a classroom or school. Participation was not great but these two video cameras were sent to Mouth Of Wilson, VA where Oak Hill Academy has been making video podcasts with the elementary kids on events, places, or landmarks in their remote area of the world. These videos would be linked to QR code sheets available at all county schools and public libraries. Thank you Beth Ritter-Guth for offering these students such a great opportunity to work with technology and benefit their community at the same time.
  • I had the privilege of attending ITEC 2010 with Russ Goerend and Molly Anderson and present on blogging in the classroom.
  • I attended the Iowa 1:1 Institute during the spring of 2011. It was my first conference as an "attendee" only. I liked the different topics all going on and the freedom to go from one to the next.
  • During the fall of 2011 I attended the ITEC 2011 conference with Kelly Reinhold, Kim Moyle, and the Kee Squad. We attended sessions on social media, iPads in education, and enjoyed the student projects room.
  • Shaelynn Farnsworth and Erin Olson invited me to write a paragraph narrative on a connection made, a friend gained, an inspiring educator you haven't officially met, or an activity your class has completed. These short posts written by many Twitter educators were to be shared during a discussion on the professional benefits of Twitter at the Technology Integration & Instruction for the 21st Century Learner 2011 and at the Building Learning Communities conference 2011.
  • I guest-posted on Angela Maiers blog. I'm very happy she invited me, it was a great way to spread my voice on a well known, frequently read blog. Here is the post, if you'd like to read it.