Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tech Tools Implementation

I've made some great technological advances lately that I'd like to share with everyone.

#1.  For Christmas I got a 4th generation iPod Touch for Christmas.  I use it for everything, except calling. (The one thing it doesn't do well)

#2. Evernote:  I've had the app on my iPod for since November and have been using Evernote web until last week when I installed the desktop program.

#3. Sony Bloggie:  I bought one thinking I would use it more often than I do.  I have used my iPod Touch for most videos & photography.  I've had this for 2 months and the first time I will have used it productively is tomorrow.

#4. Tweetdeck: It doesn't do too much that Hootsuite didn't but it's easier to use since it is a Chrome app.

#5. Chrome:  It's SOOO much easier to use than FireFox was.  It has basic options (like anything google) without all the confusion or ugliness of other browsers.  The best part though is the Web Store where you can get free apps or plug-ins, such as Tweetdeck.

These were in no specific order of greatness, just thought it was worth sharing!

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